Let’s help celebrate publication day for the fourth and final installment of the “Chronicles of Chaos” series by Glen Dahlgren. About the Book In a realm where dreams and reality intertwine, the final battle brews. The gods of Order have vanished. Despite priests like Dantess and Myra struggling to maintain peace, the Harbingers of Chaos...
Talia Offers Intriguing Alternate to Familiar Tale I’ll admit, it took me until well into this book to see the Sleeping Beauty connection. That is nothing of the author’s fault, it was a misunderstanding on my own part. But when I did, it was one of those delightful lightbulb moments that made everything I’d read...
The second installment of the Scion Saga Series, Split Adam, definitely felt way more YA than the first in the series, Opaque, which I also reviewed recently. But, if you loved the first, I think you’ll still be excited to read the second. About the Book The SCION SAGA SERIES resumes with Adam struggling to...
The Elementalists Book Two The second installment of The Elementalists by the father-daughter duo of Ephie and Celia Risho picks up a little bit after where the first book leaves off, and keeps on running. It’s action-packed with no lulls! About the Book ★★★★★ “More than just your typical youth fantasy book!”A massive goblin army...
The Elementalists Book 1 Takes Flight With elements of several major beloved children’s fantasy series, the Elementalists series is sure to find itself shelved among the greats. About the Book When a flying creature suddenly sets fire to their home, the villagers scramble to help. But for Amber, a twelve-year-old daydreamer, it’s just the beginning....
This is an absolutely gorgeous story. Mark Jonathan Runte continues to grow as a storyteller, weaving intricate worlds, connected throughout centuries. If you read enough of his works, you start to see repeat characters and see the overlap of interconnected mythos. About the Book 1767, the colonies stand at a tipping point with England but...
24 Books To Kick of 2024 If you’ve been here the whole time, you know I love books. You’ll know I’m passionate about writing them, reading them, talking about them, and helping other people do them. It’s the core of all of my business – including, up until recently, homeschooling my daughter. Though admittedly overwhelmed,...
This action-packed debut children’s book is definitely not just for kids. It’s a little old for my little one, but it left me on the edge of my seat and wanting more! About the Book When Darren Devlin is arrested for destroying his school with his bare hands, it’s not just the police who are...
Happy publication day to the author! Let’s help them celebrate! And watch out for the Love Books Tours tour for the book in January, from January 16-18. About the Book From USA Today Bestselling author D.F. Jones, “Twisting Time: Forbidden City of Gold” is a riveting fantasy novel that seamlessly blends cosmic love, myths and legends, and...
The second book in the Heroes of the Empire saga picks up from the frustrating, but delightful, cliffhanger the author left us with in the first book. So if you haven’t read that one, read my review of “The Cavalier” here, and read the first book first! About the Book THE EMPIRE IS CRUMBLING, AND...