Book Review – The Book of Perilous Dishes by Doina Rusti – @NeemTreePress @The_WriteReads @WriteReadsTours #HistoricalFiction #BookReview #TheBookOfPerilousDishes #RomanianLiterature

If you’re looking for a magical adventure into 18th-century Bucharest, you don’t want to miss “The Book of Perilous Dishes.” Chock full of dangerous recipes and even more dangerous characters, you’ll be turning the pages well after the clock says it’s time for bed. About the Book 1798: A magical, dark adventure. Fourteen-year-old Pâtca, initiated...

Book Review – The Self Education Manual by Gary Dean Petersen – @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter #FreeReview #FreeBookReview #TheSelfEducationManual #SEMLearningSystem #SEMEducation #GaryDeanPetersen

Anyone looking to brush up on some skills or pick up some entirely new ones might need some help reviving their actual learning skills if they haven’t been in a classroom for a while. That’s where the Self-Education Manual could come in handy! About the Book Struggling with math? Learning a foreign language? Need the...

Book Review – Immortalised to Death by Lyn Squire -@LevelBestBooks @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter #FreeReview #FreeBookReview

Historical fiction is a bit hit or miss for me, but I can usually tell pretty quickly which it’s going to be. Detective stories, pretty much always a hit. This one had the benefit of being an alternate history about one of history’s most beloved writer, Mr. Charles Dickens. About the Book Death strikes England’s...

Book Review – Mortal Vintage by PJ Skinner – @PJSkinnerAuthor @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter #FreeReview #FreeBookReview

If you haven’t given The Seacastle Mysteries a try, now is as good a time as any to jump in! I understand they can be read as standalones. I’ll admit, I never personally suggest this – because if you can read the first four why wouldn’t you? But if for some reason, you’ve been given...

Book Review – Under Her Roof by A.A. Chaudhuri – @aachaudhuri @aforsuthors @CROSSLANDAM @HeraBooks @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter #FreeReview #FreeBookReview

Before last year, when I signed up with Love Books Tours, I don’t remember reading any thrillers – though I probably had. But one struck my fancy, and I signed up. And from then on, this cozy mystery lover was hooked! Now, I don’t remember life sans thrillers! The genre has matched cozies as my...

Book Review – What is Loneliness? by Rebecca Eisenberg @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter #FreeReview #FreeBookReview #WhatIsLoneliness #RebeccaEisenberg

This beautiful picture book is equally beautiful in it’s description of a difficult to explain emotion – Loneliness. About the Book “What is Loneliness?” is a poignant and beautifully illustrated children’s picture book that explores the complex emotion of loneliness in a way that is relatable and reassuring for young readers. Through thoughtful storytelling and...

Book Review – How Soon is Now? by Paul Carnahan – @pacarnahan @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter #FreeReview #FreeBookReview ScottishFiction #TimeTravelFiction #GlasgowFiction #EdinburghFiction

An emotional, urban fantasy that reads like a slice-of-life deep dive into a guy’s recovery from trauma and tragedy, you won’t be able to put down this “time-travel” book. About the Book Troubled ex-journalist Luke Seymour discovers an untapped talent for time travel after being recruited to rescue the stricken leader of The Nostalgia Club,...

Book Review – Play Him, Play Her by Claire Stibbe – @ClaireStibbe @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter #FreeReview #FreeBookReview

#TrendingInZane This book made me feel a little like I was losing my mind. And the further I read, the less sure I became that the narrator could be trusted. About The Book If all the world’s a stage, who can you really trust? Celebrity actor Zane Osborne plays London’s renowned plastic surgeon and secret...

Book Review – Husbands by Mo Fanning – @mofanning @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter #FreeReview #FreeBookReview #LBTDarkRomCom

I haven’t read much dark romance. If my currently medically induced slightly unreliable (hopefully all will be well soon!) memory serves me well, this is only my third one. And only one has been particularly dark. Two, including this one, have been quite comedic. If this and the previous have been any indicator, dark rom-com...

Book Review – The Last Refuge by Christina Bacilieri – @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter #FreeReview #FreeBookReview

With hints of Hunger Games, 1984, Shadow and Bone, and other YA and adult fantasy novels, as well as unique, dystopian elements all her own, Christine Bacilieri has created a magical, world where Big Brother is watching, magic is flowing, and you will feel a part of the adventure from the moment you open the...