Book Excerpts

Book Review – The Last Refuge by Christina Bacilieri – @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter #FreeReview #FreeBookReview

With hints of Hunger Games, 1984, Shadow and Bone, and other YA and adult fantasy novels, as well as unique, dystopian elements all her own, Christine Bacilieri has created a magical, world where Big Brother is watching, magic is flowing, and you will feel a part of the adventure from the moment you open the...

Book Review – Love Lottie by Mel Higgins – @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter #FreeReview #FreeBookReview

Last year, Mel Higgins’ debut novel left me wanting more – and “Love Lottie” delivered beautifully! About the Book “Cathleen longs for a child to complete her family, so when her parents send her sixteen-year-old sister Lottie to London after secretly giving birth to a daughter, could this new bundle be the answer to her...

Book Review – The Advocate’s Betrayal by Teresa Burrell – @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter #FreeReview

Join Sabre Brown for a twisty, high-octane legal thriller that’ll keep you turning pages from start to finish. About the Book The Killer left nothing behind but a rosary, a kitchen knife, and a dead man. but the dead man is a friend of Sabre Orin Brown. When his unsuspecting wife is accused of the...

Book Review – Rescue Quest by MC Reeves – @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter #FreeReview #FreeBookReview

My six-year-old loves Minecraft, so when this one came across my desk, I had to read it – and I loved every minute! About the Book Rescue Quest is out today! Grab your pickaxe and get ready to dive into the world of Minecraft like you’ve never seen it before. Join Tom, a timid boy...

Out Now – Altered Helix by Stephanie Hansen – @hansenwriter @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #LBTCrew #BookTwitter #BookX

Let’s all help the author celebrate their new book! Out now! About the Book I didn’t want to take the traditional path. First, I wasn’t ready for college. Second, I was going to live with my best friend, Tiff, and work at the Haunted House. Third, did I mention the hot guy Josh that works...

Book Excerpts – The Brittle Riders Series by Bill McCormick – @BillMcSciFi @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter

Today, I’m doing something a little different. I’m providing some excerpts from a series of books called “The Brittle Riders” by Bill McCormick. Check them out below. The Brittle Riders: Book One Excerpt One Preamble Above.An olive-backed forest robin leapt from its perch, singing its happy song to the new day while letting its unbridled...