Book Review – Invocation by Aileen Erin – @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter

A fast-paced, page-turning fight between humanity and demons ensues in this spine-tingling tale of a young Nephilim demon hunter. About the Book There are three things I know without question. One: demons are real. Two: humans make awful mistakes that get them in demonic trouble more often than you’d think. And three: I’m the only...

Book Review – Specular by Calix Leigh Reign – #Ad #BookTwitter #FreeReview #Specular #ScionSaga

The Descendants face a lot of challenges this time around, both normal human ones and extraordinary ones. About the Book Carly abandons her innocence to progress into a mature young adult. Amidst a succession of changes, an unlikely ally will not only reveal the origin of the Descendants, but also the Iksha’s. Believing the Iksha...

Book Review – Rescue Quest by MC Reeves – @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter #FreeReview #FreeBookReview

My six-year-old loves Minecraft, so when this one came across my desk, I had to read it – and I loved every minute! About the Book Rescue Quest is out today! Grab your pickaxe and get ready to dive into the world of Minecraft like you’ve never seen it before. Join Tom, a timid boy...

A Tale of Something New by D.S. McColgan – @KellyALacey @lovebookstours – #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter #FreeReview #FreeBookReview #ATO #ATaleOf #SomethingNew #FantasyBooks #ATaleOfSomethingNew #DSMcColgan

Holy cliffhanger, Batman! This hauntingly beautiful story will leave you wanting more, especially with that massive cliffhanger you fall off at the end. I started getting very nervous when my Kindle was telling me I only had a few minutes left and the story did not seem like it was about to be resolved! About...

Book Review – Mannigan: A Speck of Light by L. Ross Coulter – @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter #FreeReview #FreeBookReview

It’s always a good sign when I have a hard time picking favorite quotes from a book because I’ve highlighted so many lovely, meaningful passages that picking just a few is near impossible. About the Book “Wake from your colorless sleep!” Born from the ashes of the old world, the great cities of humanity’s new...

Publication Day Party – The Realm of the Gods by Glen Dahlgren – @glendahlgren @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter #FreeReview #FreeBookReview

Let’s help celebrate publication day for the fourth and final installment of the “Chronicles of Chaos” series by Glen Dahlgren. About the Book In a realm where dreams and reality intertwine, the final battle brews. The gods of Order have vanished. Despite priests like Dantess and Myra struggling to maintain peace, the Harbingers of Chaos...

Book Review – Talia:On the Shore of the Sea by Joel C. Flanagan-Grannemann – @ServantsAnd #BookTwitter #BookX #ServantsOfTheMoonAndSun #FairyTales #SleepingBeauty #FairyTaleRetellings

Talia Offers Intriguing Alternate to Familiar Tale I’ll admit, it took me until well into this book to see the Sleeping Beauty connection. That is nothing of the author’s fault, it was a misunderstanding on my own part. But when I did, it was one of those delightful lightbulb moments that made everything I’d read...

Book Review – Split Adam by Calix Leigh Reign – @CalixLeighReign @CayellePub @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter #FreeReview #FreeBookReview

The second installment of the Scion Saga Series, Split Adam, definitely felt way more YA than the first in the series, Opaque, which I also reviewed recently. But, if you loved the first, I think you’ll still be excited to read the second. About the Book The SCION SAGA SERIES resumes with Adam struggling to...

Book Review – Crodor the Ancient by Ephie and Celia Risho – @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter #FreeBookReview

The Elementalists Book Two The second installment of The Elementalists by the father-daughter duo of Ephie and Celia Risho picks up a little bit after where the first book leaves off, and keeps on running. It’s action-packed with no lulls! About the Book ★★★★★ “More than just your typical youth fantasy book!”A massive goblin army...

Book Review – Phoenix Rising by Ephie and Celia Risho – @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter #FreeBookReview

The Elementalists Book 1 Takes Flight With elements of several major beloved children’s fantasy series, the Elementalists series is sure to find itself shelved among the greats. About the Book When a flying creature suddenly sets fire to their home, the villagers scramble to help. But for Amber, a twelve-year-old daydreamer, it’s just the beginning....