I read “LEAP,” the first book in “The Race is On” series earlier this year. It was one of my first books with the Love Books Tours, and I loved it. I was so excited when I found out that the sequel would be available later this year, and signed up as soon as the email came across my desk. And it did not disappoint.
About the Book

US Link: https://a.co/d/9HPfu1Z
Author Website: www.ocheaton.com
No good deed goes unpunished…
Six years after the near-catastrophic hijacking of LEAP, Uma Jakobsdóttir is determined to find a safer path to environmental salvation. So, with her father’s invention back under wraps, Uma turns her attention to the $85 billion-dollar Green Ray fund with the intention of renewing the planet—minus any teleportation.
But when the capabilities of LEAP are discovered by the U.S. government, it sets its sights on using the device to protect the country against economic collapse. When the White House proposes a new set of rules for LEAP—ones which would only allow the teleportation of goods, not people—Uma’s objections are steamrolled by powerful forces.
Then the President’s life is endangered, and the rules of the game suddenly shift again—leaving Uma in ethical turmoil as she races to stop the full power of LEAP from being unleashed on an unsuspecting world…
My Thoughts
This high-octane, sci-fi, technothriller is just as exciting, twisty, and intricate as the first book. Heaton has delivered a delightful tale full of political intrigue, religious zelous, environmental warnings, social commentary, and reminders that we still haven’t solved this whole global warning thing – and we’re rapidly losing the race. In his close to truth alternate reality, the wonderfully strong female lead from Book One, Uma Jackobsdottir returns to fight for the environment. She’s kept the whole teleportation thing underwraps, but with all the intelligence agencies in the world obviously that doesn’t last for long.
LEAP was the first “technothriller” I knowingly read, but I have dabbled in sci-fi. I find that they’re usually trying to tell you something about the world, but in a fun way. And Heaton delivers on that that well. He clearly delivers his environmental warnings without feeling preachy. I also enjoy the realistic nature of the setting. It’s not unbelievable. It’s set in our past, so it’s a slight variation of what could have been. And these days, who knows what various agencies have been hiding from us? For all we know, somene has invited teleportation and just hasn’t told us yet.
I enjoy the exploration of social issues that we might not consider. Sure, we know teleportation would help the environment, but Heaton’s story points out issues like the economy, ethics, and other issues that might arise from the invention. He is equally good at writing strong characters, both good and bad – providing excellent foil characters for our heroes to work against. Even showing the grey within those, providing motivations, obstacles, and reasoning that make it hard to fault their actions. I thoroughly enjoyed all of this and look forward to more works by Heaton.
As a long-time lover of British books, movies, and other media, I was amused to find distinctly British speech patterns in several of the American characters. A lot of people might not notice it, but having consumed so much media from both countries, I noticed and kept being a little distracted by the slight anomalies. It’s not that no Americans speak that way – I myself sometimes slip into such speech patterns when I’ve spent a good bit of time speaking to my British friends – but not as many American characters would speak this way as did in the book.
I adored both books, and very much look forward to seeing more from Heaton whether in this world or another. I am very glad that the author and Love Books Tours included me in this tour. And the cover is just absolutely stunning.
Who’s It For
Anyone who loves a good action/thriller will love this book. If you enjoy sci-fi, especially realistic sci-fi, this will float your boat. Also, if you’re upset about the state of our environment, this might make you mad, but it also might make you excited that other people care. It could honestly go either way.
Content Warning: Violence, Adult Situations/Language, Terrorism, 9/11 References, Alcohol Abuse
About the Author
O.C. Heaton writes thrillers, specifically technothrillers with a twist of sci-fi inside complex plots that are inhabited by grey characters – even the good guys!
He lives in Leeds, UK, with the love of his life and their two daughters. It rains a lot in Leeds but that works out well for him – loads of time for research and, of course writing!
You can contact him at:
Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/ocheaton
Email: oc@ocheaton.com
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Published by Amorina Carlton. Award-winning American author, Amorina Carlton, is currently working on her first novel. You can find more about her published work and works in progress on the home page. She also serves as the PR/Marketing Lead for Ravens and Roses Publishing, and reviews books, mostly by other indie authors, here and on Bookstagram.