With Apologies for my Nerdiness 5 of 5 stars If lock down has you jonesing for a good D&D session, then picking up “The Crystalline Chronicles” by Blake R. Wolfe might just be what the doctor ordered. I haven’t been able to sort out playing since my daughter was born almost four years ago, and...
The Tattler: Cancelled, Not Dead 5 out of 5 stars Sometimes, you read a word and think you know what it means, but are sorely mistaken. Read is an excellent example. We spell it the same way in present and past tense, and you have to examine the surrounding words when you’re reading to understand...
Inspirational Tale Not for the Light of Heart 5/5 Stars Sometimes the promotional materials for a book prepare you for the pages inside the cover. Other times, you’re left blindsided when the “Jewish” heroine is the most fervent believer in Jesus you’ve ever seen outside of the Bible. Rebecca is a young woman who has...
Vacations and Quitting Time If you’ve ever been a mom (or any sort of caregiver really) and stepped into a counselor’s office, probably with much protest on your part, you’ve heard about how important “self-care” is. It’s like the buzz-word of the time. Especially during the past year and some change, when the entire world...
With Apologies to Kanye Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars If you’ve ever caught yourself spiraling down a YouTube conspiracy rabbit hole or wondering if those clouds on the tabloid really look like Jesus, then Chad Descoteaux’s “The Tattler” might be your next read. In “The Tattler,” young photographer Barry has fallen into using his...
A Thrilling, Quirky Mystery with a Strong Female Lead 5 starts out of 5 If you’re looking for a cute, sweet romantic mystery with a strong, sassy heroine this is it. My Kindle kept showing me ads for this one, and the title was enough to draw me in. Catchy titles for the win! This...
Banned Books Week 2020 Banned Books Week (September 27 – October 3) is something I anticipate every year. I’ll never forget my middle school self being assigned a persuasive speech. I’d recently been whipped up into a frenzy by the scenes of book burning in Ray Bradbury’s “Fahrenheit 451” and the knowledge that local pastors and churchgoers...