Inspirational Tale Not for the Light of Heart 5/5 Stars Sometimes the promotional materials for a book prepare you for the pages inside the cover. Other times, you’re left blindsided when the “Jewish” heroine is the most fervent believer in Jesus you’ve ever seen outside of the Bible. Rebecca is a young woman who has...
Vacations and Quitting Time If you’ve ever been a mom (or any sort of caregiver really) and stepped into a counselor’s office, probably with much protest on your part, you’ve heard about how important “self-care” is. It’s like the buzz-word of the time. Especially during the past year and some change, when the entire world...
Descoteaux Delivers Another Hilarious Sci-Fi Adventure 4 out of 5 Stars As if celebrity aliens and loveable Bigfeet weren’t enough, the staff of “The Tattler” is back to the future with complicated time travel, absurd paradoxes, and imaginative creatures that would make the writers of Doctor Who weep with joy. The second installment of the...
A Southern Gal’s Take on “Spying on the South” 4 out of 5 stars The farthest north I’ve ever been is Washington, D.C., and as Hamilton taught us all not that long ago, that’s still the South. Though I reckon a lot of us deep Southerners would have a few words to say about that....
With Apologies to Kanye Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars If you’ve ever caught yourself spiraling down a YouTube conspiracy rabbit hole or wondering if those clouds on the tabloid really look like Jesus, then Chad Descoteaux’s “The Tattler” might be your next read. In “The Tattler,” young photographer Barry has fallen into using his...
Join The Next Generation of Cozy Mystery Lovers In college, for one glorious year, I worked at the library. It was the best job I ever had, and sometimes I regret I didn’t become a librarian. I don’t know how it works where you live, but you can’t just randomly decide to be a librarian...
‘The Devil Has Tattoos’ Offers Funny, Thrilling Ride 5 out of 5 Stars **Review Contains Some Spoilers** The devil drinks coffee and has tattoos, and he can get both easily in Branson Falls now, much to the chagrin of many of its residents. Two new stores in the town have the more religious residents up...
4 out of 5 stars The thing I enjoyed most about this story is that the principal character, Gaby, is a strong, unapologetic lead. She is not a giggly, girly-girl, nor is she by any stretch of the imagination perfect. It is always great to see more of that in literature, especially that targeted at...
5 out of 5 stars Great literature is a study of the human condition, and in that vein, Blake R. Wolfe’s debut novel Lake Arcadia could be considered an example of great literature. If none of the characters’ story arcs explored in these eleven chapters pull your heartstrings, you might be a robot. It’s not...
5 out of 5 stars If you love instant attraction and tales of opposites attract, this is the story for you. While the characters are teenagers, there is a lot of drugs, sex, and adult behavior, so I’m not sure if this is a YA novel, per se. “Everything We Might Have Been,” by Megan...