What a thrilling ride! I was not expecting the twists and turns at the end. The author threw red herrings at us like it was her job. Oh, wait, it is! Haha.

About the Book

An ostentatious party descends into violence—and a disgraced cop sets out to redeem herself by solving the case . . .

Susan Grey’s fiftieth birthday party promised to be a talked-about event—an over-the-top extravagant gathering of a hundred guests at her sprawling Georgian home. But it would be talked about for all the wrong reasons . . .

From an escalated argument to the disappearance of an expensive piece of jewelry, the party was quickly spiraling out of control. But the worst was yet to come, when Susan suffered a horrific fall down the grand staircase. Was it an accident or was she pushed?

For DI Grace Roth, relegated to desk duty due to an internal investigation, this could be a high-profile case and a chance to redeem herself. But every lead seems to send her in circles. As the badly injured Susan lies in her hospital bed, DI Roth must try to gather the scattered pieces of the puzzle and make them fit—before anyone else gets hurt . . .

My Thoughts

This is my first book by this author, but I look forward to reading more. It felt like we were picking up in the middle of a series about DI Grace Roth like we were an already established sleuth in a series we’ve been reading for several books. However, I couldn’t find any other books about her. But that gives her a very realistic, established feel. And it fuels my desire, at the very least, to see more books about her in the future. The author definitely dropped hints at a past that could make for a rich exploration of the detective’s backstory, which is often a great second or third book in a detective series. So, I’d love to see DI Roth back at it again someday.

The other characters were an interesting mix. Our initial victim was hard to sympathize with. But as we delved into her life, investigating the characters around her, I felt more and more sorry for her. In fact, while our tax brackets might be miles apart, I felt a strong kinship. She was tired of carrying all of the people around her, and many of us know that feeling.

Does that have anything to do with the plot? Maybe, but you’ll have to find out. While it’s a plot-driven story, the characters hold their own—layers to peel back on all of them. And it gets more and more complicated as you go!

A great, compelling read. Thanks for having me on the tour!

Who’s It For?

If you love a good thriller with an almost locked-door element, this is a great read for you. There is a very uncertain element to this crime and a limited pool of suspects, making it very similar to a locked-door whodunit. There are a lot of dysfunctional family interactions and medical trauma, so if those are triggers for you, please consider your own mental health before reading.

Content Warnings: Hospital, Medical Trauma, Infidelity, Divorce, Child Estrangement, Dysfunctional Families, Classism, Extreme Wealth, Poverty, Alcohol Abuse, Drug Use, Theft, Violence, Death, Automobile Accident

Question of the Day

Do you have siblings? Do you get along?

Answer of the Day

I’m a big ol’ mess. I had a grown step-sister (who sadly passed last year). I also had two other stepsisters and two half-sisters (I don’t know any of them). My cousins were at my house a lot – weeks at a time – because their mom left my uncle, so my mom helped out. So, they’re a lot like sisters.

About the Author

The Consequence of Choice, Natalie Sammons’ first book published by Bloodhound Books, is a legal thriller that keeps you guessing.

Besides writing, she also loves reading and running.

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