If you or someone you love is looking for an epic, sci-fi adventure, this is a fantastic book to dive into!

About the Book

In this gripping and spectacular rollercoaster of an adventure, a fourteen-year-old Earth boy is chosen, seemingly at random, to become Emperor of the Galaxy during a time of grave peril.

Spencer, an ordinary teenager, lives with his mum, his stepdad Hassan and his younger brother Mo. He is decidedly average at school, sports and at video gaming, but when he is chosen to become the new Emperor of the Galaxy everything changes.

Spencer must learn how to balance being Emperor of the Galaxy and battle the evil Haxenaar, trying to get his homework in on time, and all the while pursuing the love of his life, Amy Heartly. With the help of his new companions and Bradlii, the smartest and smuggest AI ever created, Spencer must brave an epic journey to save the galaxy and discover the ultimate truth

My Thoughts

Just like every other genre, Sci-fi/fantasy has its tropes, and “the chosen one” is probably the most famous – or possibly “infamous” due to some misuses in the recent past. But I think it still has its uses, and many of the classics use it. And let’s be honest, tons of us are still waiting for our big adventure – unless you’re one of the lucky ones who’ve taken life by the horns and made your own adventure.

This is a chosen one adventure, but unlike many of them, our MC Spencer comes in and out of his own life hardly missed by his family/school/etc. So that’s an interesting take on the trope that I enjoyed. Almost more superhero vibes in that way. And, in other ways, too. The girl was pulled into danger because he loves her – I applaud the handling of that and our FMC in general. She is a kicka$$ teen and barely needs saving most of the time. Kudos to strong girl rep! Also, the development of a 14-year-old with such impressive skills lends toward a superhero tale.

But, the story is jam-packed with neat sci-fi technology. From nanotech to intergalactic travel, it’s every sci-fi nerd’s dream. And, yes, I’m counting myself here. I cut my teeth on tesseracts. #IYKYK There are also synths, different alien races, and a whole host of supporting characters that offer our young emperor assistance. One of my favorite characters is Bradlii, with his unbelievable sass.

No matter your age, if you love sci-fi/fantasy you’ll love this book. I can’t wait for the sequel! In the meantime, he has a Sherlock book!

Question of the Day

Do you ever read middle-grade/YA books?

Answer of the Day

I find them a nice change of pace sometimes, and all my OG fantasy reads were MG so the vibe I get from those is still always fantastic!

About the Author

Alex Prior graduated from Manchester University and worked in TV and Film as a cameraman, editor, then director, ending up at Elstree Film Studios. He decided to change his career and became a Headteacher for several challenging schools. He has always written scripts and copy and his first book The Lost Case Files of Sherlock Holmes was published in 2020 and went to number one in several Amazon categories, selling many thousands of copies worldwide. Spencer Edwards: Emperor of the Galaxy is his second novel.

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