This is the third book on the Summer Extravaganza tour for me, and it’s got a little more weight than the first two. It kicks off with an opening scene that might be a bit triggering for some. It’s an attempted sexual assault. When something happens that early, it can sometimes turn me right off a book. And I’ll admit I hesitated and went to read the blurb again – like what the heck am I reading? But I’ll also reassure you that it’s absolutely worth the read!

About the Book

Matt can’t get over his guilt at the death of his young wife. It’s broken him, and he’s determined to protect his heart from falling in love again. He promises himself he’ll never have another serious relationship.

Rosie also knows the pain of losing someone she loves. But she’s ready for a fresh start and her bubbly personality makes her the perfect choice to be the new nanny for Matt’s son.

As they get to know each other, Matt gradually opens up about his past. But it isn’t until Rosie does the same that Matt questions if he’s made the right decision to give up on love.

Rosie wants to embrace life and her future, but is it too late for Matt to do the same?

And can they both finally find happiness and heal all their broken pieces?

A heart-warming, humorous love story set in the beautiful Cotswolds with an unexpected plot twist.

My Thoughts

This read is full of romance book tropes, so if those aren’t your cup of tea pass this one up. But if you’re looking for a good romance to sink your teeth into on your vacation next to the pool or beachside, this is a good, solid read. If you need a break from light and fluffy, this one deals with a lot of complex subjects. It also makes it clear who you should like and who you shouldn’t. There are loveable support characters – my favorite – and absolutely awesome main characters. And there’s a little boy who will win your heart. An equally disdainful villain proves the writing chops of the author in my opinion.

While I think the story technically utilizes the much-hated miscommunication trope, the author actually does it in such a way that you don’t find yourself screaming in utter annoyance at the characters. Instead, it seemed like a reasonable human misunderstanding. It was a fresh take on the issue.

I haven’t read a nanny book, as far as I can remember. This was a good read, but I don’t think it’s sold me on the genre. I guess I have seen movies and TV shows though. Overall, it has a bit of a #metoo problematic nature, but if done well, it can be okay. It’s done well here. I also explore the abuse of power relationship dynamic in my works, and it can be complicated and has room for lots of shades of grey that don’t always mean someone did something wrong

If you’re a horse lover, there is a good bit of equestrian love to find in this book as well! The horses don’t get a ton of page time, but considering I’m not a big horse lover, that isn’t a bad thing for me. They support the action and move the plot along, which is the perfect use in my opinion.

The spice level is subtle, will-they, won’t-they with any action behind closed doors. A little spicy language, but nothing explicit out in the open. If you’re looking for that, this is what I’d consider a clean romance. I wouldn’t personally consider it religious romance though, if that’s what you’re looking for, because there is definitely extramarital intercourse occurring.

I’m so grateful to the author and Love Books Tours for including me in this tour. I look forward to reading more by this author. Good romance always hits the spot when it’s what you’re looking for.

Who’s It For?

If you love a good, clean romance with some drama, some intrigue, and some more complex issues, this is definitely a read for you. Horse lovers, nanny trope, and single dad trope lovers will also enjoy this read.

Content Warnings: Adult Situations, Adult Language, Death, Parent Loss, Pregnancy, Infidelity, Betrayal, Attempted Sexual Assault, Poverty, Homelessness

Question of the Day

Do you ride (or have you ever rode) horses?

Answer of the Day

I’m kind of terrified of them because my grandpa had one when I was little and put me on it and it ran off with me. I’ve never really been comfortable with them since.

About the Author

Celia Tandy is a contemporary romance writer living in Warwickshire.

Her perfect day would be walking in the Cotswold countryside, or by the sea in Cornwall. Both places inspire ideas for her writing. This is her debut novel, and she’s currently busy writing her second.