Have you been feeling a little lost lately? Looking for some tips to feel more successful? The Success Guidebook might be the book for you!

About the Book

An inspirational guide for visualizing and actualizing success on a personal and professional level.

Author Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino, master life coach and founder of The Best Ever You Network has long espoused that we must redefine success for our authentic selves—a one-size fits-all-concept is not only outdated but unworkable. Success is so much more than data or the dollars in our bank account. True success is reflected in the smiles that brighten our faces and the peace that settles in our hearts. It’s the gratitude we seek in all things and the intention and actions being our very best in each moment.

In The Success Guidebook, readers will find inspiration, motivation, and a pathway to live their best, most fulfilling life. By implementing Elizabeth’s unique Ten Factors of Success—the behaviors consistently exhibited by people who stand out and behave with world-class excellence—readers will learn how to finally overcome the stubborn obstacles that have stood in their way and harness the power to move forward with clarity, a renewed purpose, and the personalized confidence to build a life of bold, brave, and infinite possibilities. Included are profiles of 20 people who exemplify these principles. Here’s the secret: You don’t need to be on a national or international platform to be world-class. You can have it right in your own home, to be and feel successful in each and every moment of your life. This book will help you learn how to tap into world-class behaviors and get the results you desire—at last.

My Thoughts

How do you define success? Is it money, fame, or maybe just happiness? Of course, what is happiness, that’s probably a loaded question. The reality is that success isn’t actually a black-and-white concept, but we seem to pretend that success is this one-size-fits-all idea that we’re all striving for. In “The Success Guidebook,” author and self-help guru Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino suggests we redefine success by our own standards. If you want to be rich and famous, okay, sure that’s your success. But if having kids and a simple life is success for you that’s more than okay! I know for a fact that my mom thought being a mom and living in her small town was enough. I never really got that while she was alive, but the older I get the more I understand – and this book helped me understand all the more.

As a writer, I sort of had this concept down – maybe I could be in one of Elizabeth’s books one day (just kidding). I even resonated with one of the stories. I believe it was Elizabeth herself who said if she could impact even one person positively (and she has obviously impacted thousands already!) she would be happy and feel successful. That’s the same way I feel about my writing! I haven’t done that with my personal writing yet. But in the past few years, I’ve actually redefined it again. I am a trained journalist. I absolutely positively affected people with my journalism. This skill set – book reviewing – is similar and related to that somewhat. And I realized that my childhood self would be jumping for joy that anyone – even a single person – cared what I thought. So, this is also a success. This is something to be proud of. Are there people “more” successful sure? But we shouldn’t judge ourselves by others.

If you’re looking for some guidance and help you’ll find a lot of great tips and beautiful inspiring stories within these pages – even some famous faces! Grab a copy and dig in today!

I’m so grateful to the author and Love Books Tour for including me on this tour!

Who’s It For?

Everyone – especially if you’re looking for some tips on how to be successful. But it’s also a lesson on perspective. One of my favorite parts was that the author tries to reframe success, helping us understand that sometimes maybe our measuring stick is not quite where it should be.

About the Author

Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino is the founder of The Best Ever You Network and co-founder of Compliance4. Through these companies, she has helped individuals and organizations around the world be their best and achieve world-class excellence with gratitude-based behavior and belief systems. She is one of America’s foremost personal and corporate development consultants specializing in mindset, strategy, leadership, and taking action.

Elizabeth is also the author of the award-winning personal development book PERCOLATE – Let Your Best Self Filter Through (Hay House) and multiple children’s books as a contributor and author. Elizabeth and her husband live in Maine with their four sons and three rescued cats.

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