If you love fantasy, you’ll love this book!
About the Book
The beginning of the new world, three stones were created to bring balance throughout Old World. The three stones were handed out to the werewolves, the vampires and the witches. Two of the stones were corrupted with power and began a war that seem to never end. The kings of the werewolves and vampires were tricked to give up each stone. The witches mended all three of the stones to form an all new power. That power was then casted down to Ariodic whom became the true ruler of Old World. The stone was taken from him, the stone after many years would wound up in Dunsworth. Thomas, who was a bounty hunter is entrusted in the stone to return it back to Ariodic, but evil is on the horizon. The Dark Queen has returned and will want the stone for herself. Will Thomas be able to return the stone before she can get it?
My Thoughts

This one blends a whole host of fantasy elements. A little bit horror/fantasy – like Dracula/Twilight/other vampires – and a lot a bit high fantasy – LOTR/Dungeons and Dragons – there’s something for pretty much everyone who’s ever read a fantasy book and enjoyed it. There’s magic, priests, battles, and bada$$ men and women! Vampires, werewolves, dire wolves, oh my! Snow, a wall, fairy forests, nightmares, good dreams!
A white queen, a dark queen! If you’ve heard it, it’s probably in here! I also experienced pretty much every emotion while reading this book. It was funny in parts, there was a delightful bromance – and romance. There was betrayal and reconciliation. Jealousy. This author has covered everything you might be looking for in a book! And it captured my attention right from the start. I was super excited to see a monster no one has talked about since I was a kid – Gargoyles!!! Like, do you remember that show? Why haven’t they seen a resurgence? Can we agree that this is the start of that?
I will say, it did get a little graphic in some spots, which isn’t my favorite. So, if you get squeamish, you’ll want to watch out for that. And, I’m a scaredy cat and some of the parts got me, especially when I was reading at night, I got a little creeped out. But it was a good storyline, with some interesting characters.
If you’re a stickler for grammar, there were some passages/phrases that were a little awkward. Sometimes first-time authors do go through a learning curve with their first novels, and this could have used another round of editing. If that’s something that really bothers you, this might not be your cup of tea. But if you’re here for the story and can look past a few awkward sentence structures, you will love this one!
I am so grateful to the author and Love Books Tours for including me on this tour and can’t wait to see more!
Who’s It For?
People who love fantasy books will love this one. You’ll find all sorts of fantasy creatures inside these pages, and a LOTR/Dungeons and Dragons style adventure inside, alongside a Witcher-like hero that’ll make you swoon. It can get a little graphic though, so be wary of that!
Content Warnings: Graphic Violence, Death, Adult Situations, Adult Language, Gore
Question of the Day
Do you have a favorite fantasy creature?
About the Author
Zakary skiver is a writer whose work is focused on mostly fantasy novels. His research and writing is rooted within the world of the Lord of the Rings, the Wheel of Time and many others. Zak took a few months off to research the lore of vikings myths and how Rome became such a world power at its time. His recent research has to do with horror, Zak wants to write in multiple genres of books someday.
If you want to follow Zak through the journey of writing make sure to follow his socials down below.
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Published by Amorina Carlton. Award-winning American author, Amorina Carlton, is currently working on her first novel. You can find more about her published work and works in progress on the home page. She also serves as the PR/Marketing Lead for Ravens and Roses Publishing, and reviews books, mostly by other indie authors, here and on Bookstagram.