It’s Day Two of Christmas in May! And it’s another gorgeous Christmas Cover Reveal, this time from Hera Books! I absolutely can’t wait to cozy up with these books and dream of the holidays! About the Book Everyone deserves a Christmas treat… The annual Wheaton gingerbread exhibit (a model village made of gingerbread) and grotto...
Today starts our Christmas in May celebration! And, if you’re like me, it’s never too early for Christmas! I know I’m certainly looking forward to all the Christmas books. I’m astonished that before last year, I was all in on Christmas movies and it never occurred to me to read Christmas books. As a lifelong...
We’re celebrating the cover reveal for “Call Her Janie,” by S.R. Fabrico. This book sounds amazing, and we hope to see a full book tour over here at Love Book Tours when it’s time, to help give the book the boost it deserves. About the Book Lizzie was obsessed with chasing her dream of being...
This slow-burn of a story of romance, friendship, and epic misunderstandings will absolutely sweep you off your feet if you let it. About the Book Three friends come together in the hope of finding love. Caz is determined to find The One and, keen to speed up the process, believes in ‘asking the universe’ for...
If you’re in for a dramatic rollercoaster of a ride from start to finish, “Rebuilding Alexandra Small,” by Mo Fanning is a great time! It’s somehow both light and dark, and funny and serious at the same time! About the Book When life deals you lemons, it’s time to make lemonade. But what happens when...
“Talia” Builds New, Beautiful World There’s a lot of debate in the book world about whether audiobooks count as reading, and that is some abelist BS. A few months ago, one of my writer friends had recently released his book on audiobook, and found out I loved audiobooks – and it was one of those...
Romantic Suspense Novel Available Today! Buy Now at Blurb Cassandra Growing up, I was mesmerized by a man soaring the skies. The greatest silk aerialist in the world, Chandler Moreau. The day before my parents died, they took me to see his circus, and it was then I knew my fate was sealed. I...
Cozy, Spirited Holiday Story Fills the Heart This story is a treasure for anyone who enjoys curling up with a warm drink and a holiday tale. Whether it’s holiday movie marathons or book binges, this is a story that you need to add to your list! About the Book Love hopes all things… Jack returns...
Erotic romance explores trauma, emotional baggage If a romantic, drama-filled romp filled with a healing touch sounds like a good time, this is book is just what the doctor ordered. About the Book After an explosive breakup, a twenty-something woman seeks fulfilment through her career and personal interest. Upon crossing paths with a charismatic man...
Bennet Delivers a Hauntingly Good Tale I absolutely devoured this book like a hungry Sin. I cut my teeth on the likes of Madeleine L’Engle and The Boy Who Lived. And I honestly think that MN Bennet might earn his spot along the greats of YA Fantasy. And he definitely has in my heart! About...