Short chapters and a compelling storyline make for a dangerous combination that will keep you up way past bedtime reading this thriller! About the Book Aimee has never moved on from that weekend camping trip in the rugged landscape of Glencoe, that saw her boyfriend and best friend disappear without a trace. Each night she...
Having recently learned that I don’t enjoy military thrillers, I was dubious when I picked this one up. But I’d already signed up for the tour, and I honor my commitments. And, like the one time I was forced to watch a play about World War II on my birthday, it turned out better than...
Last year, Mel Higgins’ debut novel left me wanting more – and “Love Lottie” delivered beautifully! About the Book “Cathleen longs for a child to complete her family, so when her parents send her sixteen-year-old sister Lottie to London after secretly giving birth to a daughter, could this new bundle be the answer to her...
Join Sabre Brown for a twisty, high-octane legal thriller that’ll keep you turning pages from start to finish. About the Book The Killer left nothing behind but a rosary, a kitchen knife, and a dead man. but the dead man is a friend of Sabre Orin Brown. When his unsuspecting wife is accused of the...
Prepare for a journey like none you’ve ever been on before. Twists and turns, everything going perfectly right and perfectly wrong. John and Adele are about to see if they can learn to love each other again. About the Book John and Adele have been together for over two decades and have a son. Their...
My six-year-old loves Minecraft, so when this one came across my desk, I had to read it – and I loved every minute! About the Book Rescue Quest is out today! Grab your pickaxe and get ready to dive into the world of Minecraft like you’ve never seen it before. Join Tom, a timid boy...
The beautiful illustrations in this book carry a great message for you and your little ones. About the Book It’s Sunday, the day before the school week begins, and Alycat is nervous. She just knows that Monday is going to be the Mondayest Monday ever! On the playground, Alycat realizes she isn’t the only one...
Find out if old-fashioned ways or high-tech gadgets hold the keys to happiness in this sweet, but weighty, romcom. About the Book Tabitha Locke suspects she must be the only twenty-nine-year-old in the UK who doesn’t own a mobile phone. She has a good reason not to. When she fled to Bath and her grandfather’s...
Holy cliffhanger, Batman! This hauntingly beautiful story will leave you wanting more, especially with that massive cliffhanger you fall off at the end. I started getting very nervous when my Kindle was telling me I only had a few minutes left and the story did not seem like it was about to be resolved! About...
Travel through time and multiple points of view as you attempt to unravel the mystery of what exactly happened to Sammy St. John, the golden boy of Savage Ridge. Except, everybody knows – but can’t prove, who did it. Ten years later his brother has hired a top PI to prove it. About the Book...