If Mikayla Davids writes it, I will read it – or listen to it – whichever the case may be. As per usual with a book Ms. Davids writes, I was sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to hear what twist would affect the characters next because nothing is ever as it seems in one of her atmospheric, chilling thrillers.

About the Book

You married him. But can you trust him with your life?

Standing on the balcony of our gorgeous villa, I gaze out at the turquoise sea and drink in the white-sand beach and palm trees. I’m in paradise with my new husband, Owen, by my side and my life couldn’t be more perfect. I can’t imagine that anything bad could ever happen, here on this beautiful island…

My Thoughts

From what I’ve read, Ms. Davids always takes us on some kind of adventure. And she seems fond of locked-door-type mysteries, which is great because I am too. I was absolutely hooked from chapter 1 of the first book I read by her, so I was so excited to grab a copy of this one, and I wasn’t the least bit disappointed.

Our illustrious author weaves complex, confusing, thrilling tales, making you question almost every character’s motives throughout the story. Like a good British thriller show, where every episode shows you a character doing something suspicious, and you’re left wondering if one of them is the “killer,” “kidnapper,” or “bad guy.” Sometimes, I guess who it is halfway through a book. Ms. Davids always makes me work a little harder for it. I don’t mind either way, but having a little more mystery is more enjoyable.

Like previous books of Ms. Davids, I wasn’t sure if I liked most of the characters. I want to call it a love triangle, but there’s more of a love square or a love pentagon. Anyway, the complicated love situation in this book fed the story and made the intrigue rise to the next level. Loyalties wavered among long-time friends, lovers, staff, and surrogate parents. New loves were questioned.

The audiobook narrators were fantastic together. I enjoyed both the male and female voice actors. Sometimes it takes me a while to get used to them, but these were fine almost immediately. I’m so grateful the author, and Love Books Tours included me in this tour. I’ll be ready for the next one!

Who’s It For?

If you’re a fan of twisty, turny domestic thrillers and locked-room-style murder mysteries full of surprises, this is a book for you. If you have read other books by Mikayla Davids and loved them, you won’t be disappointed by this one. If you love typical British thrillers – TV or book – you’ll love this!

Content Warnings: Infidelity, Betrayal, Kidnapping, Murder, Violence, Fear, Adult Situations, Adult Language, Classism

Question of the Day

Do you enjoy thrillers?

About the Author

I’ll let you into a little secret… Mikayla Davids isn’t my real name, it’s just the pen name I write under. I could be the person sitting opposite you on the train, furiously tapping away at a laptop, or the woman scribbling in a notebook on the table beside you in Starbucks. Everyone has their secrets. And this is mine.

But I will tell you I’ve lived and breathed fictional worlds all my life. I’ve been the child who spent hours in the library, the teenager who stayed up turning pages way into the night, the editor who poured every working hour into helping authors achieve their dreams of being published. Now I’m the secret writer.

I write psychological thrillers about family dramas, complicated relationships, and ordinary moments that can suddenly turn into nightmares.

I hope you’ve been gripped and entertained by my novels. Learn more at https://mikayladavids.wixsite.com/mikayladavidsbooks/blank-3

Amazon US: https://a.co/d/iiw64Pz
Amazon UK: https://amzn.eu/d/8zdTa3B
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/143727109-the-couple-on-holiday
Author Website: https://mikayladavids.wixsite.com/mikayladavidsbooks/blank-3