Fantasy is such a diverse genre. From vampires and werewolves one day to space adventures, angels, and demons the next.
About the Book

Hosheh, a banished Star, seeks sanctuary on Adama. The Dark Mountain has become his residence and the headquarters of his clandestine military group. The archenemy of the Stars has ambitious intentions to conquer his former home with the help of his devoted army of Adamians.
Kadmiel, Hosheh’s faithful aide and General of the Dark Army, diligently works toward realizing his master’s grandiose vision. Steadfast in his allegiance to the Dark Master, Kadmiel has earned Hosheh’s full trust.
Ranan, a fresh recruit in the Dark Army, catches Kadmiel off guard with his innocence. As Kadmiel battles the monsters of his past, Ranan’s purity unexpectedly begins to thaw the icy walls around Kadmiel’s heart.
However, appearances may be deceiving. The line between grappling with inner demons and becoming one is blurred. The beasts that were once buried deep down are now breaking free.
The Dark Mountain is the second book in the series The Rise of Penumbra.
My Thoughts
Okay, so technically, the creatures within the pages of Yona Katz’s exciting space odyssey are, in fact, not angels or demons. But, boy, do they feel like them to me! The stars, in all their celestial, sacred, good beauty, are so very angelic. And, when they fall, they go dark and seem awfully demonic. So, if you like a good good vs. evil story, this is a good one to pick up!
And, of course, it is quickly complicated with shadows of – wait, who’s the bad guy again? Because that’s always what a good fantasy story does – it makes you question the status quo. The author has done a beautiful job of blending military prowess, dictatorial leadership, seedy underground criminal enterprises, and the criminal justice system into something unrecognizable and yet heartbreakingly familiar to those familiar with it. The commentary – whether on purpose or unintentional – about both the military and prison industrial complexes is quite strong.
But there is hope, and it is partly found in the presence of more than one rather elegantly handled #LGBTQplus relationship. Though formed within the confines of the military, they all have a bit of a “Don’t Ask,” but I’m happy for you vibe surrounding them. I was also left both uncertain and a little uncomfortable about how to feel about the main character and his relationship with his leader.
I really enjoyed the book and I look forward to reading more by the author. This is the second book in the series. I didn’t get to finish the entirety of the first, and as far as I could tell, it was okay. I am going to go back and finish it, and I look forward to the third one as well!
I’m so grateful to the author and Love Books Tours for including me in this tour!
Who’s It For?
If you love a good military and space-themed fantasy story, you’ll love this book. It’s got celestial beings, military and political intrigue, criminal enterprises, betrayal and secrets, romance, and so much more. It basically has a little bit of something for everyone.
Content Warnings: War, Violence, Crime, References to Child Abuse/Violence/Torture, Fighting, Religious Overtones, Adult Situations, Adult Language, Child Abandonment, and More
About the Author

A citizen of the universe, Yona Katz is a financial director during the day. But as soon as night falls, numbers and reports are chased away by the stories that live in the stars. One day, Yona decided that she was brave enough to share these stories with the world. Yona loves exploring the themes of diversity and inclusivity. She wants to reach young adult readers to show them that love is universal, that even heroes are flawed, and that everyone has the right to make mistakes. Yona is Canadian, but Antigua and Barbuda are her current homes.
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Published by Amorina Carlton. Award-winning American author, Amorina Carlton, is currently working on her first novel. You can find more about her published work and works in progress on the home page. She also serves as the PR/Marketing Lead for Ravens and Roses Publishing, and reviews books, mostly by other indie authors, here and on Bookstagram.