Let’s celebrate the Cover Reveal for the second book in the epic historical fiction “The Guardians of the Byzantium” series by Justin Isaacs.

About the Book
The Eastern Roman Empire is vulnerable, attacked by barbarians on the borders and under threat from enemies within. Can an ex-slave restore the true power of Rome?
The Imperial Chamberlain, the eunuch Eutropius controls the weak-willed emperor, whilst the senators of the court scheme for favour and power. But Eutropius does not feel safe in his hard-earned position; only through winning a battle can he truly cast off his past as a slave and be awarded the highest of honours. A chance arises to bring his dreams to fruition, to secure his power, and so to the horror of the senate and the court, Eutropius leads an expedition into combat.
The arrival of new religious leader in Constantinople brings hope for new beginnings to the city. But violence between Romans and Goths has permeated the streets. The conflict is stoked further by a powerful figure within the Imperial court shattering old friendships and forcing new alliances.
Meanwhile, three warriors hunt for a key witness in a plot to undermine the stability of the Roman Empire. Their hunt takes them to the far borders of the Empire, where they run afoul of a new and lethal enemy.
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About the Author
Justin Isaacs lives in the UK. He is the author of “The Guardians of Byzantium” series of books, a historical fiction series that follows the history of the Byzantine Empire through the eyes and minds of a secret organization dedicated to the preservation of The Roman Empire, whatever the cost.
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Published by Amorina Carlton. Award-winning American author, Amorina Carlton, is currently working on her first novel. You can find more about her published work and works in progress on the home page. She also serves as the PR/Marketing Lead for Ravens and Roses Publishing, and reviews books, mostly by other indie authors, here and on Bookstagram.