Let’s help celebrate publication day for the fourth and final installment of the “Chronicles of Chaos” series by Glen Dahlgren. About the Book In a realm where dreams and reality intertwine, the final battle brews. The gods of Order have vanished. Despite priests like Dantess and Myra struggling to maintain peace, the Harbingers of Chaos...
Excited to have been included in the Book Tour for this one. If you’d like to hear my thoughts about this awesome book, check out my review. You can also read my review of her first book over on Goodreads. Be sure to check out all the other hosts’ reviews as well! About the Book...
This lovely poetry book is out now. Help the author celebrate publication day. About the Book A slender, beautifully illustrated volume of 30 poems, enumerating love in all its configurations and crucibles: through enchantment, presence, magnetism, illusion, nature, restlessness, wonder, and memories that rise from our past, and follow us into our future. For seekers,...
Let’s help the author celebrate her publication day! About the Book Bella wants her life back but life keeps getting in the way. Here’s what some early readers have said:‘It was funny, tragic and uplifting all at once, I couldn’t put it down.’‘Realistic and romantic with great humour.’‘I burst into tears at the end, I...
This is an interesting read from the perspective of the daughter of a man suspected to live with undiagnosed ASD. I had the chance to read it earlier this year. Read my review here. About the Book BLISS ROAD is the story of a neurotypical daughter of an undiagnosed Autism Spectrum Disorder parent. Sometimes funny,...
Let’s help author Lydia Brownlow celebrate the release of her book “Vermilion Sunrise.” About the Book Same galaxy, different view. Seventeen-year-old Leigh awakens from cryosleep to discover she’s part of the first human colony in another solar system. The cryosleep is flawed. It kills adults and causes partial amnesia. As a result, the nations of...
Let’s help celebrate Martha Engber’s latest book, which is out now. Learn more here. About the Book A consummate warrior and brilliant strategist, Pino is a young Native American woman who must fight against fierce invaders to save her tribe — and spirit — from annihilation in precolonial southern New England. The strange tale of...
Let’s help author Liam Bell celebrate the release of his new book “The Sleepless.” About the Book What if I told you that sleep was just a habit? What if the third of your life you spend asleep, you could be awake instead? Grafton is a single dad who works in local radio, but he’s...
Let’s help this award-winning author celebrate the release of his new book “House of Dreams.” About the Book This was a house with only two storeys, but it told many tales. Tony Lawson is a world-famous dream therapist, but he hasn’t dreamed in years, and he needs more therapy than he can give. On the...
This historical romance novel is out now! Mhairead MacLeod has delved into the past of the Australian frontier to bring us this book. About the Book CAN ANNA OUTRUN HER PAST? Reinventing herself as a nurse in the tropical frontier of Australia, healing her soldier-lover, raising her unruly daughter – these are just a few...