Don’t Go Banning My Books

You Should Not Even Try When I was pretty young, a freshman in high school, I had to find something to write a speech on for a class. Around this time, I also learned about Banned Books Week which ends October 2. I was a huge, nerdy, Harry Potter fan way before it was cool....

cold melting snow winter

Take a journey with “The Crystalline Chronicles”

With Apologies for my Nerdiness 5 of 5 stars If lock down has you jonesing for a good D&D session, then picking up “The Crystalline Chronicles” by Blake R. Wolfe might just be what the doctor ordered. I haven’t been able to sort out playing since my daughter was born almost four years ago, and...

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The Meaning of Words

The Tattler: Cancelled, Not Dead 5 out of 5 stars Sometimes, you read a word and think you know what it means, but are sorely mistaken. Read is an excellent example. We spell it the same way in present and past tense, and you have to examine the surrounding words when you’re reading to understand...

Write a New Story with Tabula Rasa

Inspirational Tale Not for the Light of Heart 5/5 Stars Sometimes the promotional materials for a book prepare you for the pages inside the cover. Other times, you’re left blindsided when the “Jewish” heroine is the most fervent believer in Jesus you’ve ever seen outside of the Bible. Rebecca is a young woman who has...

Lose Some Time with “The Tattler”

Descoteaux Delivers Another Hilarious Sci-Fi Adventure 4 out of 5 Stars As if celebrity aliens and loveable Bigfeet weren’t enough, the staff of “The Tattler” is back to the future with complicated time travel, absurd paradoxes, and imaginative creatures that would make the writers of Doctor Who weep with joy. The second installment of the...

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Cozy Up to a New Mystery Today

Join The Next Generation of Cozy Mystery Lovers In college, for one glorious year, I worked at the library. It was the best job I ever had, and sometimes I regret I didn’t become a librarian. I don’t know how it works where you live, but you can’t just randomly decide to be a librarian...

“Everything We Might Have Been” sultry, sweet story of young love

5 out of 5 stars If you love instant attraction and tales of opposites attract, this is the story for you. While the characters are teenagers, there is a lot of drugs, sex, and adult behavior, so I’m not sure if this is a YA novel, per se. “Everything We Might Have Been,” by Megan...

Koraalen: An Ecological Mystery with a Sweet Romance

My rating: 4 of 5 stars Some books are fast-paced whirlwinds of action you can’t put down. This is like an ocean current that carries you along at a gentle pace; the surprising climax a storm brewing in the background waiting to pour down on you out of nowhere. Author Heather Murata bills “Koraalen: Planetary...