Make sure you clear your schedule just like you would if you were going to the theater when you sit down to listen to this book becuase you will absolutley not want to put it down. I’d recommend gathering the other important women in your life and putting it on the speakers to enjoy together!

About the Musical

The original musical about the Suffragists who fought and won the right to vote for women!

19: The Musical is the dynamic and little-known story of Alice Paul, Ida B. Wells, Susan B. Anthony, Carrie Chapman Catt, Inez Milholland and the other suffragists who fought to get women the right to vote – The 19th Amendment. The inspirational story of these fearless women is brought to life through jazz, traditional musical standards style, spoken word, and hints of gospel. Alice Paul and the suffragist’s fight for equality have been re-imagined for a new generation with a poignant and uplifting message that will resonate for years to come.

My Thoughts

As a trained journalist and a daughter with vastly different political views from her family, I spent much of my formative years being apathetic. But as I’ve aged and seen more of the injustices of the world, I’ve found myself fired up about the injustices toward minorities and the voiceless in society. And, the creators of this musical remind us – and it is an incredibly timely reminder – that we can’t afford to sit by and be apathetic. That it is time to reclaim our time and our power!

We’ve all heard of Susan B. Anthony. I’ve read a little more, so Alice Paul and Ida B. Wells were familiar, but many of the names in this story were unfamiliar – which is a tragedy all it’s own. Many of these women suffered greatly in ways that, while we hear them, our imaginations will not do them justice. They fought – and some died – so that we could have a voice, and today, many of us don’t exercise it. On some level, I’m sure most of us know the fight was hard, degrading, and disheartening, but how much we can only imagine.

If you are a woman, if you love a woman, if you don’t absolutely hate women, you need to listen to this and hear the rally call within it. These women fought tooth and nail for nearly a decade, and even in winning, they barely did so. It will be a much easier fight to keep what they’ve done than it will be to fight for it again. (Continued below.)

Each of these women was special, beautiful, and beautifully portrayed. Apparently there is an ebook, but I highly recommend the audiobook version. The songs are imprinted on my soul, and I have absolutely come out the other side changed. Beautifully crafted songs, passionate words, a moving story. Now is the time to listen.

I’m so grateful to the creators, performers, and Love Books Tours for including me in this book tour. I’m also really looking forward to seeing more by this group, and I would LOVE to see this performed live. Living in New Orleans we sometimes get to see Broadway and other shows, so fingers crossed!

Who’s It For?

Sometimes, I can narrow down exactly who would enjoy a book. But others, I genuinely think that everyone should read a book. This is one of those times. I think everyone – especially in the United States – could benefit from a refresher course on the fight for women’s right to vote. I wanted to call it equality, but that’s not quite right. Not really.

Content Warnings: Sexism, Racism (esp. Mansplaining), Death, Imprisonment, Cruel and Unusual Punishment, War

Question of the Day

Do you vote? OR Do women have equal pay in your field/area?

About the Creators

Jennifer Schwed and Doug Bradshaw are playwrights, filmmakers and multimedia storytellers. Past projects have spanned media and genres such as, “Jules & James,” a serialized audio drama podcast and multimedia story; “A Dream Within A Dream,” an immersive play about the mad genius of Edgar Allan Poe; and “The Upside of Iris,” an enchanting and whimsical story about a girl who sees the world upside down, produced as an animated ebook. These past artistic ventures have garnered both critical and audience acclaim. Their most recent production, “19: The Musical,” is a story 100 years in the making.

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