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About the Book

A fierce story of trauma, addiction, awakening and healing. From the tenements of Aberdeen to the bright lights of 1970’s London Vicki Rebecca shares her uncensored truth of redemption and liberation.
Breaking down stigma and taboos in a world where we are so often shamed into silence, Vicki’s journey allows the reader to witness the alchemy of embracing the whole self and how it is possible to find hope when it feels like all is lost.
About the Author
Vicki Rebecca runs a successful private Hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic Programming practice that includes one-to-one therapy, both in-person and online, classes, retreats, live-in intensives, books, and products since 1999. Since 2003 that practice has included retreats all over the world, including Egypt, India, Turkey, the sacred sites of Scotland and more.
She wrote her first book: ‘The Me I Want To Be: Simple Shifts To Authentic Wellbeing’ initially for the clients and students she’d worked with for over twenty years. It was also a way of pulling all her knowledge together, and for those who could not manage come along for sessions or classes because of cost or distance. It had always been a source of frustration to her that she could not help them too. So to make her work accessible to a larger audience she wrote the book and recorded over ten hours of instruction and guided journeys to accompany it. It was a mission without doubt but one she is proud of.
Find out more about her on her website
Published by Amorina Carlton. Award-winning American author, Amorina Carlton, is currently working on her first novel. You can find more about her published work and works in progress on the home page. She also serves as the PR/Marketing Lead for Ravens and Roses Publishing, and reviews books, mostly by other indie authors, here and on Bookstagram.