Publication Day Party – House of Dreams by Mark Stibbe – @markstibbe @KellyALacey @lovebookstours

Let’s help this award-winning author celebrate the release of his new book “House of Dreams.” About the Book This was a house with only two storeys, but it told many tales. Tony Lawson is a world-famous dream therapist, but he hasn’t dreamed in years, and he needs more therapy than he can give. On the...

Publication Day Party – Murder at Castle Traprain by Jackie Baldwin – @JackieMBaldwin1 @Stormbooks_co @KellyALacey @lovebookstours

The first installment of this cozy mystery series came out in May of this year and I adored it! You can catch my review of “Murdery by the Seaside” here. So, I’m excited to help author Jackie Baldwin celebrate publication date for the follow-up “Murder a Castle Traprain” today! And my review will release on...

Book Review – Bibi Saves the Honey Bees by Judith A. Ewa – @JAEwa_Author @KellyALacey@lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter

We had the e-book version of this, and my five-year-old loved this book so much that she wanted me to order the physical copy. She also ran immediately to her dad – who was sick in bed, poor soul – to make sure we had flowers to help the honey bees. We do, he already...

Book Review – INCHOATE by Lois Vander Wende- Williams – @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter

Tale Takes You On a Transformative Journey If you need a good old-fashioned heartbreaking read, this is the book for you. Jess’s story will tear your heart out and stomp it on the ground, you know, in that good way that book lovers love. Because we’re extra special like that. About the Book Jessica Ann...

Book Review – Killing Me Softly by Guy Hale – @HaleWrites @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter

Dark Comedy At It Finest Sometimes blurbs sell you on a book, and sometimes they don’t do a book justice. This book is very much falls into the latter category. Sure, it intrigued me enough to read it, but it absolutely did not prepare me for the wild page-turner I was about to embark upon...

Book Review – Tender Hearts by Kris Kassady – @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookX

If you’re looking for some spicy romance, look no further than “Tender Hearts” where you can find six different stories with quite steamy scenes. About the Book Tender Hearts is a collection of Kris Kassady’s six best-selling low-angst romance novellas that are sure to leave you breathless. Each story in this collection is about real...

Book Review – The Quiet Dead (A DI Sebastian Locke Mystery Book 1) by NJ Mackay @nikimakaywriter @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter

Follow the twists to a shocking end No better birthday present (it’s today) for a book lover than a good book, and that’s just what I got! This psychological thriller/mystery book was impossible to put down. I could not guess who was to blame, and that is always exciting for me because it doesn’t happen...

Cover Reveal – Santa Steals Christmas by Eve Nairn-Magnante illustrated by Nicholas Child – @SantaStealsXms @KellyALacey @lovebookstours 

I so hope the LBT Crew gets a chance to review this one, and that I get a chance to read it! This one sounds like a lovely holiday experience! And I’m so excited to see young people flexing their creative muscles. Let’s help this young author celebrate the cover reveal of her holiday book....

Book Review – Eternal Forest by @PJSkinnerAuthor @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter

It is both exciting and frustrating to be at the cutting edge of a new cozy mystery series. Exciting, because yay a new cozy mystery series. Frustrating, because it’s like watching a TV show in real-time, and now I have to wait for new books to come out instead of getting to binge them like...

Book Excerpts – The Brittle Riders Series by Bill McCormick – @BillMcSciFi @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter

Today, I’m doing something a little different. I’m providing some excerpts from a series of books called “The Brittle Riders” by Bill McCormick. Check them out below. The Brittle Riders: Book One Excerpt One Preamble Above.An olive-backed forest robin leapt from its perch, singing its happy song to the new day while letting its unbridled...