The Torrent by Dinuka McKenzie – @canelocrime @DinukaMckenzie @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #Freereview #BookTwitter #BookX

This was a fast-paced, quick read that offered several twists and left me feeling uncertain right up until the last minute. Even in the end, I wasn’t totally sure we knew all the answers, and considering that’s how life is sometimes, I was okay with it. About the Book What deadly secrets have been swept...

Book Review – Killing Me Softly by Guy Hale – @HaleWrites @KellyALacey @lovebookstours #Ad #LBTCrew #BookTwitter

Dark Comedy At It Finest Sometimes blurbs sell you on a book, and sometimes they don’t do a book justice. This book is very much falls into the latter category. Sure, it intrigued me enough to read it, but it absolutely did not prepare me for the wild page-turner I was about to embark upon...