Answer the Irresistible Call of Lake Arcadia

5 out of 5 stars Great literature is a study of the human condition, and in that vein, Blake R. Wolfe’s debut novel Lake Arcadia could be considered an example of great literature. If none of the characters’ story arcs explored in these eleven chapters pull your heartstrings, you might be a robot. It’s not...

“Everything We Might Have Been” sultry, sweet story of young love

5 out of 5 stars If you love instant attraction and tales of opposites attract, this is the story for you. While the characters are teenagers, there is a lot of drugs, sex, and adult behavior, so I’m not sure if this is a YA novel, per se. “Everything We Might Have Been,” by Megan...

Can’t Take Just One Sip of “The Devil Drinks Coffee”

A Thrilling, Quirky Mystery with a Strong Female Lead 5 starts out of 5 If you’re looking for a cute, sweet romantic mystery with a strong, sassy heroine this is it. My Kindle kept showing me ads for this one, and the title was enough to draw me in. Catchy titles for the win! This...

Koraalen: An Ecological Mystery with a Sweet Romance

My rating: 4 of 5 stars Some books are fast-paced whirlwinds of action you can’t put down. This is like an ocean current that carries you along at a gentle pace; the surprising climax a storm brewing in the background waiting to pour down on you out of nowhere. Author Heather Murata bills “Koraalen: Planetary...