This fast-paced story is short and to the point. And it paints a clear picture. It utilizes it’s few words to tell us what’s happening and to paint the scene and provide a glimpse of the characters in it.

About the Book

‘Beni’s Game’ is a short story about a small boat crossing to the UK and a deportation flight back to Albania. Three people are waiting for Beni at the airport; two of them are armed, and one has a matter to settle with him.

‘As the lights were dimmed for the descent, Beni glanced around him; there were so many British officials on board. He felt the pocket of his rucksack and the flat, oblong form inside to check it was still there. No one’s found it, he thought. He wiped the moisture on his palms along his thighs.’

‘Beni’s Game’ is based on characters in two novels by Paul Alkazraji, ‘The Silencer’ and ‘The Migrant.’

My Thoughts

Even with Beni’s Games’ limited use of words, it is rather atmospheric. I could feel the tension, and I felt like I was in the airplane and then the vehicle with the characters.

The situations these characters – the titular Beni, pastor Jude, and the enigmatic Luan – find themselves in are ones many of us could not imagine. I can only presume the purpose of this story is to tease us into reading the full-length novels the author has written since the blurb mentions these characters hark from those. And I’m definitely intrigued. I feel as though I’ve missed something, coming into a story en media res, and with this little intro, I’ve viewed a short scene with no real resolution.

It’s definitely enough to pique my interest. Obviously, immigration is a huge topic in the UK where this character attempted to live, as well as in my home country of the United States. Political issues and war across the world also make it a big issue in many countries across the world. It is an important topic and is something that is timely, brave, and important to tackle both in fiction and nonfiction works. Bravo for tackling it with such a keen eye!

If you want to give the author’s writing a try, it’s definitely a great place to try. I’m so grateful to the author and Love Books Tours for including me in this unique tour opportunity!

Question of the Day

Have you had any experiences working with the international migrant/asylum effort, or do you know anyone who has been personally affected by it?

Answer of the Day

Our church is a sanctuary church and has been working with a family for quite some time who escaped a bad situation in South America.

About the Author

Paul Alkazraji (first name Muthena) worked as a freelance journalist in the UK from the mid-nineties. His articles were published in Christianity Magazine, The Christian Herald, The Church Times, The Baptist Times and other publications. His travel articles were also published in The Independent. His first book Love Changes Everything, a collection of seven testimonies, was published by Scripture Union in 2001. His second book Heart of a Hooligan, a biography of ex-football hooligan Dave Jeal, was published by Highland Books in 2000. His third book Christ and the Kalashnikov, a biography of missionaries Ian and Caralee Loring, was published by Zondervan in 2001 (all on goodreads).
